ARS us


Mixxael:  My name is Mixxael (Mikael), I am 15 years old. I am the website admin. (And yes i have a light voice!) >:c


wrenik: My name is wrenik (Alfred), I am 16 years old. I am the camera man of ARSGamers. (I am Dwarf, and im digging a hole, diggy diggy hole, digging a hole)


ToasterTV: My name is ToasterTV (Micke), I am 19 years old. I am the funny commentator. (Dunka dunkas!, Dunka dunkas :D)




Arsstory. My name is Mixxael and today i am going to tell you more about us. My name is Mixxael as you already now but my in real life name is Mikael and i live in Gävle - Sweden. My buddy ToasterTv is the oldest member in our team. His name is also Mikael, but we call him Micke and he lives in Tullinge - Sweden. My bestfriend Wrenik is the craziest in our team. His name is Alfred and he lives in Trollhättan - Sweden. - One day Alfred and i were talking about starting up his old team ARSGamers. We asked Micke if he wanted to be a part of it and he said yes. We started to record some of our movies, we made a website (This one), and we started to talk more. After 10 days we already got 1000 fans.

- Thanks for being a fan. - Mixxael.